Analysis of Port Costs and Loading and Unloading Costs on Income PT. Abdi Nusantara Indonesia Line Branch of Gresik


  • Zaini Miftach Program Studi Ketatalaksanaan Pelayaran Niaga, Program Diploma Pelayaran, Universitas Hang Tuah Surabaya
  • Putu Pasek Program Studi Ketatalaksanaan Pelayaran Niaga, Program Diploma Pelayaran, Universitas Hang Tuah Surabaya



Port Charges, Loading and Unloading Costs


In the modern era, as now companies in the services sector, especially in agency always required to implement activities quickly and the maximum. The shipping company that provides shipping agency services should be able to carry out its tasks properly. Here the agent acts as a party representing the shipowner in preparing everything for the activities during the ship in port can be implemented as planned. Agencies also must prepare the facility before the ship arrives and ensure loading and unloading activities can be run well so that it can provide completely against the interests of the ship while in port. After completion of all services activities that have been given to the ship, the agency company make the calculation on the entire cost of the service. This final project aims to determine the effect of port charges and costs of loading and unloading of the revenue that is in PT. Abdi Nusantara Indonesia Line. The research method taken in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Steps should be taken by the company to reduce costs by improving the coordination between the company and its customers that the delivery process is not hampered and their expense can be reduced as much as possible by PT. Abdi Nusantara Indonesia Line.


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How to Cite

Miftach, Z., & Pasek, P. (2018). Analysis of Port Costs and Loading and Unloading Costs on Income PT. Abdi Nusantara Indonesia Line Branch of Gresik. JURNAL APLIKASI PELAYARAN DAN KEPELABUHANAN, 9(1), 53–62.