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Article Writing Guide for Jurnal Aplikasi Pelayaran dan Kepelabuhanan
The Jurnal Aplikasi Pelayaran dan Kepelabuhanan only accepts original articles that have never been published at home or abroad. Articles can be the result of research or scientific conceptual about shipping and ports. Articles can be written in Indonesian.
Articles of Research Results are presented systematically as follows: (a) Title, should describe the contents of the article briefly and clearly; (b) Author's name (without title); (c) Abstract, written in Indonesian and English, not more than 250 words, containing the essence of the entire article, including: problems, objectives, methods, and results. At the bottom of the abstract are listed 2-5 keywords (key words); (d) Introduction, including background and problem formulation as well as research objectives; (e) Research Methods; (f) Results and Discussion; (g) Conclusion; (h) Bibliography.
Conceptual Scientific Articles are presented systematically as follows: (a) Title, should describe the contents of the writing concisely and clearly; (b) Author's name (without title); (c) Abstract, written in Indonesian and English, not more than 250 words, containing the essence of the entire article, including: problems, objectives, and results; (d) Introduction, including background and problem formulation; (e) Subtitles as needed; (f) Conclusion; (g) Bibliography.
Ranking of Sub-chapter Titles is expressed in different letters, namely: level 1, written in all capital letters, aligned to the left; level 2, written in uppercase and lowercase aligned with the left edge; level 3, written in uppercase and lowercase italics the left edge.
Literature citations are written according to the year-name system, for example: According to Moran (1996) ... or function is more important than form (Hartanto, 1981).
Bibliography, is a list containing books, papers, articles, or other materials that are quoted directly or indirectly. Materials that are read but not cited are not listed in the bibliography. Basically, the elements listed in the bibliography in a row include: (1) the author's name is written in the following order: last name, first name, and middle name, without an academic degree, (2) year of publication, (3) title, including sub-heading, (4) place of publication, and (5) name of publisher. These elements may vary depending on the type of library source. Examples of writing some literature:
Books: Kusumadewi, Sri. (2003). Artificial Intelligence (Techniques and Applications). Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.
Translated Works: E. P. Popov. 1993. Engineering Mechanics. Zainul Astamar's translation. Jakarta: Erlangga Publisher.
Journal: Frangopol, D.M. & Curley, J.P. 1987. Effect of Damage and Redundancy on Structural Reliability. ASCE, 113(7): 1533 - 1549.
Papers in Scientific Meetings: Zamani, M.B. & Ahmad, B. 2000. The Future of Traditional Wooden Fishing Boats: The Malaysian Perspectives. Paper presented at The Second Regional Conference on Marine Sustainable Development in an Archipelago Environment, Surabaya, 7-8 September, pp. 1-7.
Article from the magazine: Understanding VAS Supporting Technologies. Cellular. matter. 54-55. March 2003.
Newspaper article or information: Caring for Hybrid Cars. Compass. June 16, 2006.
Articles or information from the website: P. Landon. An Introduction to Inflow Prevention, Pumps and Systems. (On line). March 2006 (http://www.pump-zone.com/articles/An_Intro.pdf, accessed 9 March 2006).
Company published manuals: Trane, Air Conditioning Manual, La Crosse, Trane, Ltd., 1994.
Books from an institution: Directorate of Research Development and Community Service. 1994. Handbook of Scientific Writing, Editing, and Publishing Styles. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture, Directorate General of Higher Education.
Articles typed with MS Word word processor, single spaced not more than 20 pages. Photos must be printed on glossy white paper. Figures/graphs/tables must be clear and accompanied by descriptions.
Articles can be sent on a CD with printed results. If necessary, the article can be edited by the editor for uniformity without changing the intent of the content.
The accepted article and all accompanying illustrations become the legal property of the publisher. All data, opinions, or statements contained in the article are the responsibility of the author. Therefore, the publisher, the editorial board, and all staff of the Jurnal Aplikasi dan Kepelabuhanan are not responsible or unwilling to accept any difficulties or problems in connection with the consequences of such inaccuracies, data errors, opinions, or statements.
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